At At Chorlton Park we believe that Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Citizenship should underpin all the work we do so children are equipped to make safe and informed decisions to become responsible, resilient global citizens.
In EYFS we follow the Think Equal Programme, a curriculum-based programme that support social and emotional development in the early years. It is rooted in mental health and social justice and aims to build a strong foundation for individual and societal progress. The 30-week programme is fully aligned with the early years foundation stage (EYFS) curriculum and teaches 25 skills and competencies to help children through their Early Childhood Education.
Think Equal helps our children at Chorlton Park learn, to:
- Manage their own emotions and impulsive behaviours
- Build their confidence and self-esteem
- Have empathy and show consideration for others
- Solve problems effectively and learn to resolve conflicts peacefully
- Build critical thinking skills and make responsible decisions
- Maintain healthy relationships and learn to collaborate
Designed by global experts in the fields of education, human rights, neuroscience and psychology, the Think Equal programme is evidence-based, holistic, easy to use and impactful. It offers a narrative based approach and is delivered flexibly at Chorlton Park through a collection of picture books.
In KS1 & KS2 we teach the Jigsaw scheme which follows the Statutory frameworks for KS1 & KS2 and other statutory guidance for PSHE education provided by the Secretary of State and the PSHE Association.
At Chorlton Park we believe that all children have a right to a good quality education (Art. 28 UNICEF Charter) and to the best possible mental and physical health (Art. 24 UNICEF Charter). We believe that PSHE is a key way to promote the inclusion of all children. Our PSHE lessons are designed and adapted so they can be accessed by all learners. The Jigsaw scheme is written as a universal core curriculum provision for all children. Inclusivity is part of its philosophy.
A discreet PSHE lesson is taught weekly using the Jigsaw scheme, a mindful approach to PSHE. The sequencing of our scheme provides opportunities for children to learn new concepts and skills as well as being able to apply those to a variety of situations and build on learning in previous years.
The Jigsaw scheme covers drug education, financial education and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle. We work with our local School Nursing team to deliver Relationship and Sex Education using the Jigsaw scheme (see separate RSE policy).
PSHE Education is reinforced by our work on children’s rights as part of our Rights Respecting ethos. Furthermore, we have been awarded Healthy School status which further supports the themes covered in our PSHE sessions, particularly keeping our bodies and mind healthy. All our planning ensures we cover the themes of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and justice, mutual respect for and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs and equality as stated in the statutory guidance.
The 6 Chorlton Park Primary School values link with each PSHE theme discussed each half term to ensure consistency throughout the school.
Pupils are encouraged to contribute to school life in a range of ways. We have an Eco-council who take responsibility for making our school a more sustainable and environmentally aware. In addition, each class has a Rights Ambassador and a Health Ambassador who are responsible for ensuring each child is aware of their rights and responsibilities, in regards to their learning, and deliver ideas on how to stay healthy throughout assemblies and whole class discussions. Children can also take part in sports teams and sports competitions throughout their school career.
There are six Jigsaw units that every year group will cover each half term:
1. Being Me in My World
2. Celebrating Difference
3. Dreams and Goals
4. Healthy Me
5. Relationships
6. Changing Me
Chorlton Park we believe that Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and Citizenship should underpin all the work we do so children are equipped to make safe and informed decisions to become responsible, resilient global citizens.
In EYFS we follow the Think Equal Programme, a curriculum-based programme that support social and emotional development in the early years. It is rooted in mental health and social justice and aims to build a strong foundation for individual and societal progress. The 30-week programme is fully aligned with the early years foundation stage (EYFS) curriculum and teaches 25 skills and competencies to help children through their Early Childhood Education.
Think Equal helps our children at Chorlton Park learn, to:
- Manage their own emotions and impulsive behaviours
- Build their confidence and self-esteem
- Have empathy and show consideration for others
- Solve problems effectively and learn to resolve conflicts peacefully
- Build critical thinking skills and make responsible decisions
- Maintain healthy relationships and learn to collaborate
Designed by global experts in the fields of education, human rights, neuroscience and psychology, the Think Equal programme is evidence-based, holistic, easy to use and impactful. It offers a narrative based approach and is delivered flexibly at Chorlton Park through a collection of picture books.
In KS1 & KS2 we teach the Jigsaw scheme which follows the Statutory frameworks for KS1 & KS2 and other statutory guidance for PSHE education provided by the Secretary of State and the PSHE Association.
At Chorlton Park we believe that all children have a right to a good quality education (Art. 28 UNICEF Charter) and to the best possible mental and physical health (Art. 24 UNICEF Charter). We believe that PSHE is a key way to promote the inclusion of all children. Our PSHE lessons are designed and adapted so they can be accessed by all learners. The Jigsaw scheme is written as a universal core curriculum provision for all children. Inclusivity is part of its philosophy.
A discreet PSHE lesson is taught weekly using the Jigsaw scheme, a mindful approach to PSHE. The sequencing of our scheme provides opportunities for children to learn new concepts and skills as well as being able to apply those to a variety of situations and build on learning in previous years.
The Jigsaw scheme covers drug education, financial education and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle. We work with our local School Nursing team to deliver Relationship and Sex Education using the Jigsaw scheme (see separate RSE policy).
PSHE Education is reinforced by our work on children’s rights as part of our Rights Respecting ethos. Furthermore, we have been awarded Healthy School status which further supports the themes covered in our PSHE sessions, particularly keeping our bodies and mind healthy. All our planning ensures we cover the themes of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and justice, mutual respect for and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs and equality as stated in the statutory guidance.
The 6 Chorlton Park Primary School values link with each PSHE theme discussed each half term to ensure consistency throughout the school.
Pupils are encouraged to contribute to school life in a range of ways. We have an Eco-council who take responsibility for making our school a more sustainable and environmentally aware. In addition, each class has a Rights Ambassador and a Health Ambassador who are responsible for ensuring each child is aware of their rights and responsibilities, in regards to their learning, and deliver ideas on how to stay healthy throughout assemblies and whole class discussions. Children can also take part in sports teams and sports competitions throughout their school career.
There are six Jigsaw units that every year group will cover each half term:
1. Being Me in My World
2. Celebrating Difference
3. Dreams and Goals
4. Healthy Me
5. Relationships
6. Changing Me